Put a Spring in Your Step with Live 2 B Healthy

Dr. William Buchan, the 18th-century Scottish physician wrote, “Of all the causes which conspire to render the life of a man short and miserable, none have greater influence than the want of proper exercise.”
Dr. Buchan was well ahead of his time in this statement. Today, we know that regular physical activity has been proven in study after study to improve quality of life as we age and help to reduce many of the aches and pains that were once assumed to be part of the aging process. Participants of Carlton Senior Living’s Live 2 B Healthy classes can tell you that regular physical fitness makes a big difference in improving their balance, flexibility and strength.
Carlton Senior Living is proud to partner with Live 2 B Healthy. We regularly see improvements in testing results among even our most senior participants. And many of them credit Live 2 B Healthy classes as the secret to their ability to continue to independently participate in the activities that contribute to their overall well-being. Activities like playing with grandchildren and great-grandchildren, enjoying the outdoors, and managing their own personal care become easier with regular physical activity.
What’s more, the Live 2 B Healthy program is proven to help seniors improve both balance and overall strength as well as reduce falls. Live 2 B Healthy Trainers are all Certified Personal Trainers who are experienced in working with seniors. They are familiar with the challenges that come with age and customize exercise to fit the individual needs of each resident. Live 2 B Healthy‘s trainers keep participants motivated throughout the class and make an effort to get to know each and every person by name.
Don’t miss the opportunity to increase your activity and improve your health. Download your Carlton community newsletter for the schedule of Live 2 B Healthy classes and put a little spring back in your step through exercise.